Who Run the World? Girls!
Beyonce has said when she sang, “Who run the world? Girls.” Disagree? I doubt it.
Women increasingly inhabit top-ranking roles in traditionally male-dominated industries, lead the international mission for girls’ education and advance the conversations on topics like wage equality.
So today’s post is all about giving you inspiration — awakening a can-do spirit within you that makes you want to run out and rule the world!
Read: 25 Inspirational Quotes by Powerful Women — here’s a sample:
“What I do for my work is exactly what I would do if nobody paid me.” — Gretchen Rubin (pictured), author of “The Happiness Project.”
Note: Don’t miss our next WEGG webinar 4/13 on how to negotiate an awesome foreign distributor agreement and presented by expert Doris Nagel. Register here. Event is no charge but you must register in advance to attend.