club wegg

Club wegg® is an online environment for any and all women business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders in their industry who have an unshakeable commitment to grow their businesses and the fortitude to take the risks necessary to make a mark in the world. Members will be able to make connections, share experiences, swap resources, and ask questions – making the leap from local to global.

Debra Dudley of Oscarware Inc. on how connecting with other women entrepreneurs, through Club wegg® Cohorts, helps her business expand internationally.


Cohorts, a special feature of Club wegg, is a virtual platform for women entrepreneurs and business owners whose enterprises have a minimum annual revenue base of $500,000 can investigate strategies, gather perspectives, discuss current issues affecting global business, and gain inspiration from one another.  The monthly professionally facilitated discussions, frequently featuring guest experts, will provide members with a roadmap for selling products and services in the global marketplace.

wegg has already begun Cohort 1, Cohort 2 and Cohort 3 – Cohort 4 is in the works!  Join Cohort 5 now.


Interested in learning about Cohorts?

e-mail Laurel