Women Inspiring Other Women and Opening Paths For Them

According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2012 survey of business owners, 39 percent of New Mexico businesses were women-owned and the top ones brought in over $362 million in revenue in 2015. That percentage is expected to rise to a solid 40 percent in 2017.
Women have come a long way in the workplace, not just in leadership roles, but in the industries where jobs are available.
Find out who inspires them: Women business owners talk about who inspires them
Note: Don’t miss our next WEGG webinar 9/14 on “8 Critical Lessons to Ensure a Successful International Product Launch,” and presented by expert Alison Larson, founder of WorldBlazer Consulting. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4126297091592158468. Event is no charge but you must register in advance to attend.