How She Went Global® podcast

Save a Life in Seconds: The Revolutionary CPR Device Every Household Needs wegg® podcast

with Felicia Jackson
on February 17, 2025
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Associated Bank
episode 48

February 17, 2024

Felicia Jackson on “Save a Life in Seconds: The Revolutionary CPR Device Every Household Needs

Felicia Jackson, CEO/President of CPR Wrap, Inc., shares the near tragedy that inspired her to start her business, how she invented CPRWrap™, what countries she sells to, how she ships her product, and what it was like to be on Amazon’s “Shark Tank”-style show.

Felicia Jackson
How She Went Global® podcast

Successful women entrepreneurs and business owners share stories about going global, and offer new ways to take on the world, stay inspired and have fun! They join host Laurel Delaney every month.