Women Are Leading the Global Entrepreneurial Revolution
Women are leading the charge in taking their businesses global and the United States is a frontrunner with other nations following suit.
Our friend and colleague Rieva Lesonsky, CEO and cofounder, GrowBiz Media says:
I’ve [Rieva Lesonky] seen this firsthand over the past three years as I traveled to Brazil, India and Turkey, meeting scores of international women entrepreneurs at various states of business ownership, from startup to global expansion. The good news is these women don’t have to go it alone. There are organizations [such as WEGG] and events to help them come together, solve common challenges and exchange support.
Read more: What Global Women Business Owners Need to Grow
Note: Don’t miss our next WEGG webinar 8/24 on “Reach Multilingual Markets: Creating Content, Developing Effective Partnerships, and Utilizing Translation Technology,” and presented by expert Jennifer Murphy, Director of Marketing, Eriksen Translations, Inc. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8702241284561995012. Event is no charge but you must register in advance to attend.