Export Workshop Lisa Bitsky, President of Automated Designs Group November 9, 2016
- Posted by womenentrepreneursgrowglobal
- Categories events2016
- Date November 8, 2016
The WEGG Workshop on Exporting is designed to give participants an introductory understanding of exporting.
Laurel Delaney, President of WEGG, will facilitate a discussion with Lisa Bitsky, President of Automated Designs Group and winner of the Governor’s Exporter of the Year award, around how to get started in exporting, find customers, get paid, and leverage social media to boost your global business.
The workshop is intended for students who aspire to go global, entrepreneurs, small business owners and attendees at our monthly WEGG Webinar series (https://womenentrepreneursgrowglobal.org/online-education/) to meet in person and stimulate a discussion around the benefits and challenges to exporting.
Our goal with the workshop is to unlock export potential in each person’s business.
To learn more and to register, visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/wegg-workshop-on-exporting-tickets-25724870781 Seating is limited. $20. Students: $10. Includes program material, coffee and muffins.