The Mighty World Entrepreneurship Forum 2012
I am getting ready to attend the 5th edition of the World Entrepreneurship Forum in Lyon, France where thought-leaders from around the world (200 participants from 59 countries) gather to discuss this year’s theme: entrepreneurial ecosystems.
It is well recognized that entrepreneurs cannot succeed in a vacuum. They need customers, partners, suppliers, employees, legal, financial and educational institutions, as well as governmental bodies and proper infrastructure. Ecosystems are made of environment, actors and interactions. This year the participants of the forum will discuss this thematic through an around-the tour of ecosystems highlighting: Highly resource-endowed ecosystems … read more here.
The World Entrepreneurship Forum is the first global think-tank devoted to entrepreneurship creating wealth and social justice. Full disclosure: I am a charter member of WEF.
You can track the event’s activities (in some cases LIVE) at the World Entrepreneurship Forum website (
World Entrepreneurship Forum Twitter handle: @WEntFr
And mine is: @LaurelDelaney
I’ll do my best to report out. If I get too busy, I’ll share my findings when I return to Chicago. Meanwhile, have a great week!
Posted by: Laurel Delaney