There’s No Shortage of Ideas in Dubai
As with entering any new market, you must do your homework, be at the right place at the right time, select a good idea, rely on a little luck and have the finances to support your effort. Dubai is a worth a look but explore with caution.
Unfortunately, many who enter the market do so without an in-depth study of the potential risk possibilities, competitive analysis, or roadblocks for the product or service they are looking to represent. There are government rules and requirements needed to bring a product into the country, and not doing your due diligence can cause your product to be stuck at customs for months, or completely rejected causing great expense to any new business owner.
There’s absolutely no shortage of business ideas in Dubai, making it difficult to come up with something fresh and something new. So choose a brilliant idea (something no one else is doing), be diligent, do your homework and prepare for success.
Read the entire article here.
Photo courtesy: Fabio Achilli
Posted by: Laurel Delaney
Tag:Dubai, Laurel Delaney