Investing in Women Entrepreneurs Will Break Barriers to Exporting
Over the next two years, Australia will serve as a champion to improve the capacity of trade promotion agencies in the APEC region to support women exporters says Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls, Natasha Stott Despoja.
While leading Australia’s delegation to the APEC Women and the Economy Forum (WEF) in Beijing, Ms. Stott Despoja said Australia’s foreign policy and aid program were targeting three persistent challenges to gender equality by addressing violence against women and girls, supporting women’s leadership and promoting women’s economic empowerment.
Ms. Stoff Despoja adds, “Research has shown that women face greater barriers to exporting – such as access to finance, resources and information.”
Read the news: Investing in region’s women exporters
Photo Credit: SMBCollege via Compfight cc
Posted by: Laurel Delaney