Innovators Are More Likely to Achieve Export Success
We are thrilled to report that our first webinar in a monthly series this year, “Getting Started in Exporting: Ready Your Business For Growth” and presented by Laurel Delaney, was a huge success! We had far more registrations than expected so thank you to all of you who signed up and a big shout out to WEGG Board member Laura Fairman for her help in launching the webinar technology.
In case you missed the webinar, the recording link will be made available next week so you can enjoy the presentation at your convenience. Watch for it. Be sure to mark your calendar for the next webinar held on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Central time and presented by Kati Suominen, founder and CEO of Tradeup Capital Fund. She’ll discuss the best way to finance an international trade deal.
Switching gears a bit. Ever wonder if there is evidence on the relationships between innovation, exporting and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? According to “Building the Evidence Base for SME Growth Policy,” there is.
SMEs which have a track record of innovation are more likely to export, more likely to export successfully and more likely to generate growth from exporting than non-innovating firms.
Innovation plays an important positive role in export growth. To get to innovation, you must develop capable management.