wegg® Celebrates Women’s Small Business Month
Happy Women’s Small Business Month from your friends at wegg®. Every October is a chance to celebrate and support the achievements of the women founders and entrepreneurs in our global community. wegg is founded on the principle of educating, inspiring, and nurturing women entrepreneurs worldwide on how to go global so they can forge a new future for all. We believe women small business owners should be honored for their hard work and determination all year long.
The 2019 State of Women-owned Businesses Report notes the significance of women entrepreneurs in relation to the economy, “Women-owned businesses are driving economic growth in the United States. They represent 42% of all businesses — nearly 13 million — employing 9.4 million workers and generating revenue of $1.9 trillion.”
There is no doubt that women entrepreneurs are blazing trails in the business world and the economy at large. There is still much work to be done in providing them the resources they deserve. The Women-owned Businesses Report details,
“Realizing the economic potential of women-owned businesses requires changes in policies, business practices, and attitudes. Some changes, such as family leave and affordable childcare, impact all working women while others, such as training and access to capital and markets, are specific to particular segments of business owners. Making meaningful change also requires understanding that women-owned businesses are not monolithic. Factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, entrepreneurial motivation, generation, and geographic location make meeting their needs more complex.”
wegg hopes this next year is the best yet for women’s small businesses. We will continue our work of empowering women founders at all levels. All women small business owners are encouraged to attend our November 4th, 2020 wegginar® presented by Kelly Twichel, CEO, Access Trax. The virtual event, “Advocating for Access to the Outdoors Worldwide” is free of charge and is sure to be educational and inspiring for all. Register now.