Knowledge Women Entrepreneurs Can Use in the New Year
The turn of a new year is an exciting opportunity to reaffirm and recommit to the guiding principles and lessons that have been foundational to your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you are setting intentions, resolutions, or goals for 2024, let this be your sign that everything you dream and wish for is attainable. Remembering the “why” of your business, and a few insightful lessons that we have compiled below, can aid in laying the foundation for a successful year ahead. And of course, wegg® is a time-tested, accessible resource for all who seek guidance in going global.
“5 Lessons Learned From a Female Entrepreneur,” by Kelly Hyman for Entrepreneur offers motivation for women business owners in the form of sharing from her own experiences. Hyman speaks on this from her belief that “every challenge can become a lesson,” which is a valuable reminder in itself for all women entrepreneurs.
Hyman encourages her audience to overcome imposter syndrome, build a network of professional support, learn constantly, ensure time for self-care is on the calendar, and not be afraid to take risks. Betting on yourself and risking failure is far more valuable than never putting yourself out there to try. Hyman explains,
“Here’s a secret: the first risk you take is the hardest. After that, you realize you are more capable than what you thought you could achieve. To make the risk seem less scary, map out your plan. Ask yourself, what are your goals? What is my passion? How will you achieve them? But the most important question is: how much will you suffer if you stay exactly where you are? There’s no guaranteeing what the future will hold, but if you are unhappy or unsatisfied with your current situation, the only solution is to try something different.”
The journey to international entrepreneurship is long and filled with twists and turns. We hope that with wegg by your side and with these tips in your back pocket you feel ready for whatever 2024 brings!
Tag:advice, business, tips, women entrepreneurs