Prioritize Your Passion In the New Year
As the new year draws closer, we should all take a moment to reflect on what 2021 taught us and on what we want to bring forward with us into 2022. Entering another year wherein the COVID-19 pandemic is still far from over has had a way of showing people what they should prioritize. Whether you are setting resolutions for your global business or working on personal goals, it has never been more clear that there is no day but today. The Coronavirus has created an immediacy in terms of needs and wants, and it is impossible to ignore. What do you need from yourself and from others as we begin 2022?
In an article for Harvard Business Review, Claudio Fernández-Aráoz elaborates on the criticality of refocusing on what you are most passionate about. Fernández-Aráoz writes in “Reigniting Your Purpose in the Wake of the Pandemic,”
“The global crisis — and its personal ramifications — have presented us all a unique opportunity to find new identities, roles, and jobs more suited to our talents, ambitions, and purpose…Given the frenetic pace at which we operate today, it is more critical than ever to take the time to think deeply about one’s life, career, relationships, and the broader world.”
He suggests examining six essential facets as a way of taking inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, and ambitions. Fernández-Aráoz’s technique is called the Six C’s, and they are, “capability (the talents you bring to the table), connectivity (the relationships you have), credibility (your reputation), contemplation (an ability to step back and look at the bigger picture), compassion (for yourself and others), and companions (people who make you happier and stronger).”
This year, join us as we prioritize our passions, accentuate our strengths, and act on our ambitions. The time is now, and the time is yours. Happy 2022, wegg® community!
Tag:2022, business, entrepreneurship, women