How to Start and Run a Profitable Import/Export Business
Many years ago I was the import/export expert for About.com, which was owned at the time by the New York Times. Now the site is under new management and called the balance (small business). The first article my editor asked me to write was something where everyone in 5 minutes could learn what I had learned over the course of 20 years running a profitable import/export business. She wanted useful and actionable tips. Tall order, I know, but I rose to the occasion and cranked it out.
A lot has changed since then but the fundamentals of the article still apply. My lead was this:
So you want to sell to the world? You’ve come to the right place. Thanks to the Internet, setting up an import/export business can be ridiculously simple and very profitable. Here are ways to make it happen.
Read the entire article to learn how to set up, map out and run a successful import/export business. The cool thing is all this experience led to the launch of wegg®. Who knew?
Tag:export, global startup, import