Giving Thanks For Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide
The United States celebrates Thanksgiving this Thursday and we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight all the many successes of women entrepreneurs worldwide. We already know through our work at wegg® that global women entrepreneurs are a force to be reckoned with.
Women entrepreneurs are thriving, achieving, going global, investing, competing, resilient, high spirited, and helping one another advance at a pace like we’ve never seen before. They are drivers of incredible economic global growth, creators of jobs, and builders of strong and competitive businesses. They have also learned the importance of peer groups. Anyone who has ever experienced a good peer group knows the power of them – together, we are stronger, versus operating all alone in a vacuum.
Please take a moment to check out just a few of wegg’s women’s success stories as well as some insights about their accomplishments, progress, and recognition through our many wegg programs. Every program we host tells a story of an accomplished woman business owner who helps others in their global expansion journey.
We’re thankful for each and every one of you, as you join us in recognizing and empowering women every day. Keep on growing global! Make your mark in the world. The best is yet to come.
Special thanks
I’d like to take this moment to thank a bunch of people who keep wegg® humming:
Our wegg Team: Bob Marovich, Chief Operating Officer; Laura Fairman, Chief Designer and Tech Guru; Lucy Brooks, Program Coordinator, Blogger, Instagram Leader; Emily Thayer, Newsletter Manager; and Lane Mahoney, TikTok Global Gal.
Our wegg Board: Elizabeth (Ela) W. Baio, Molly Bañuelos, Linda Bi, Candace Fletcher, Mara Hedgecoth, Genevra Knight, Susan Meyer, Lori Novak, Hannah Slaughter, Nancy Slack Stachnik, Kati Suominen, Candice Tal and Katie McCarron.
Our lead wegg sponsors: Associated Bank, Bluedog Design, FedEx and GlobalCare Clinical Trials.
Our wegginar® sponsors: APCO Worldwide, Bank of America, The Export-Import Bank of the United States, FLOMO, Greensfelder, Infortal Worldwide, Passport Shipping and Plante Moran.
Our in-kind Sponsors: Eli’s Cheesecake, GoDaddy, Nixon Peabody and Porte Brown.
Our Club wegg® members and cohort participants – you rock!
Without all these amazing people and companies, wegg would not be in the position of great growth that it is in today. Our future is brighter than the brightest star! Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this week.