Have a Safe and Restful Labor Day 2023
Happy Labor Day, wegg® family! We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the labor of women entrepreneurs everywhere, especially those that have graced the wegg community with their hard work and enlightenment. We would also like to thank the wegg team and Board of Directors for each and every one of their tireless efforts that make this organization what it is. Our work would not be possible without your work, and our collective labor has contributed to educating over 35,000 women entrepreneurs to date across the globe since wegg’s inception.
However you are celebrating this year’s Labor Day, we hope that you are given the time to recharge, recuperate, and spend time with loved ones. It is common for entrepreneurs to feel as if they are always on the job since starting a business can be the sole receiver of your time and energy. We wish women entrepreneurs everywhere an enjoyable holiday weekend!
“No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.