Explore Overseas Production Partners
Four businesswomen from Bee Inspired, LLC — a company that spreads inspirational messages, motivational thoughts, and positive actions throughout the world — share experience about taking their company global. They successfully launched their first product and globally sourced the main components in less than one year. Conducting international business can indeed be challenging but as they women point out, that if you lead with passion, resourcefulness and determination, absolutely no challenge is insurmountable.
One of the questions addressed: How did your company get involved in international business?
Sue Dickinson: After talking with several local manufacturers, we soon realized domestic production costs would keep us from pricing the product competitively. So in order to get to a lower price point we went to Alibaba.com and explored foreign production partners. We connected with a manufacturer in India and worked through all the details, specifications and quality over e-mail and the Internet. Actually, we never even spoke to our contact on the phone until after we imported our first 500 units. In a relatively short time frame, they delivered the products we specified, at the quality level we required, and at the right cost.
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In less than a year this group of ladies took an idea, made global connections and launched their first product—and a promising international company. They make it look simple by leveraging local and global resources along with technology. Visit www.portlansing.com to learn more about Bee Inspired and how Greater Lansing is going global.
Posted by: Laurel Delaney