Female Entrepreneurs Face Common Challenges Worldwide
What do women entrepreneurs from Tajikistan and Milwaukee have in common? They both face common female-owned business challenges worldwide.
Tahmina Karimova owns Ozara, a handicrafts (as shown above) company in Tajikistan. She is one of four women from Tajikistan visiting Milwaukee, Wisconsin through the International Visitor Leadership Program, part of the U.S. State Department. Kimberly Kane runs Kane Communications Group in Milwaukee.
The idea behind the program is to strengthen foreign relations by facilitating conversations among local people and their visiting counterparts. Each year nearly 5,000 people come to the United States through the program, launched in 1940.
“One of the benefits for me is that every country, even one of the most advanced countries in the world, has its own problems,” said Karimova who spoke through an interpreter. “We were coming here with the idea that America is a paradise. However, we are finding out very quickly that there are many problems including female problems. It’s not all as perfect as we thought before.”
Read more … ‘We realized we all have common problems,’ says female entrepreneur from Tajikistan visiting Milwaukee.
Note: Don’t miss our next WEGGinar™ 10/11/17 on “Navigating Global Business Travel in 2017,” and presented by Stephanie Lewin, Global Immigration Attorney at Berry Appleman & Leiden LLP (www.balglobal.com). Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6874264726093775875.
Event is free of charge but you must register in advance to attend.