The Story of Happy Beginnings: Women Entrepreneurs
In this post we focus on: Why women don’t see themselves as entrepreneurs; five challenges faced by women entrepreneurs; gender differences in perceptions and propensity to start a business; and, diversity in innovation. It’s really a story of happy beginnings about and for women entrepreneurs. Read on.
1. Why women Don’t See Themselves as Entrepreneurs (The New York Times)
This article addresses why don’t more women become entrepreneurs?
Key point at the end:
She [Sheila Lirio Marcelo, the founder of] also advised women to develop thicker skin. “Men tend to shake off rejection more quickly than women,” she said, “but it’s absolutely true that entrepreneurs are made or broken by how they bounce back from adversity.”
2. Empowering Equality: 5 Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs
This article focuses on what holds women entrepreneurs back? Why are women-owned firms less likely to also be growth-oriented firms?
Across countries, women own significantly fewer businesses than do men. The authors in this paper show that this is due primarily to the fact that “the propensity to start businesses of women is significantly lower than that of men. The lower propensity of women, in turn, appears to be highly correlated to women’s lower average levels of optimism and self-confidence, and higher fear of failure.”
4. Diversity in Innovation – Working Paper (Harvard Business School)
In this paper, the authors document the patterns of labor market participation by women and ethnic minorities in venture capital firms and as founders of venture capital-backed startups.
Note: Don’t miss our next WEGGinar™ 7/12/17 on “How to Finance Your Exports,” and presented by Xiomara Creque-Bromberg, Export Finance Manager, Minority and Women Owned Business & Multiplier Outreach Division, Office of Small Business, Export-Import Bank of the United States. Register here:
Event is no charge but you must register in advance to attend.