10 Tips From Leading Women Entrepreneurs To Help You Make The World Your Business
Meet the bold, the fearless and the restless (and that includes YOU!). Women-owned firms comprise forty percent of all firms in the United States, according to the Center for Women’s Business Research. They have implemented imaginative strategies to launch and expand their businesses, including going global.
Here’s a glimpse at the top ten tips shared by the women entrepreneurs who run successful worldwide ventures.
1. Develop trust on a global scale.
2. Think globally.
3. Build a global brand that works locally.
4. Educate your customers.
5. Outsource to grow your business.
6. Connect and collaborate with local markets on foreign ground.
7. Find cross-border customers.
8. Hire the best from around the world.
9. Establish payment methods before you sell.
10. Navigate through – not around – bureaucracy and red tape.
Global entrepreneurship, particularly by women, is diverse and pervasive worldwide. To succeed worldwide, companies must use best practices such as the above (refer to links below to read entire article), present something new, be the best at something, and offer it everywhere with the heart and will to succeed. You can make the world your business.
This is a two-part series published in Wealth Magazine. You won’t want to miss it. Read Part One and Part Two.
Quick access to the entire article can be found here.
Posted by: Laurel Delaney